MediaTiles app

Impress your visitors with a simple, yet powerful presentation made with MediaTiles. It's easy to create a presentation to present content such as photos, videos and PDF files. By tapping on a tile you will unlock extra information, and with a special 3D effect it will become visible on the back of the tile. This app is ideal for showing your products on a video wall or if you want to introduce staff members.

Omnitapps multi-touch software MediaTiles app


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Make an unforgettable impression on your visitors

With MediaTiles, you can easily create a presentation that shows off your products on a video wall or introduces your employees. The app is ideal for companies that want to impress customers and visitors. The interactive features and 3D effect ensure that your visitors will think about what they have seen for a long time.

Easy to configure

MediaTiles is not only an excellent app for creating presentations, but it is also easy to use. All you have to do is drag and drop files into a folder. It then automatically creates a presentation that you can customize and edit to your liking.

Check out the MediaTiles Features and discover what this app has to offer.

  • 3D effect for turning tiles

This makes for an impressive presentation.

  • Tiles can open a photo, video, or PDF

This provides variety in your presentation.

  • Vertical and horizontal sorting methods for gallery

Choose how your presentation looks.

  • Option to loop media while playing (videos)

This provides a continuous presentation.

  • Multiple people can tap on a tile at the same time

This makes it interactive and gets the most out of the term "multitouch"!

  • Move, scale, and rotate your media

Customize your presentation to suit your needs, viewing angle, and conversation.

  • Customizable background

Choose a background to suit your presentation.

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