Erasmus MC uses Omnitapps poster solution for medical congress

The Erasmus Medical Center organized a health care and (bio)medical sciences congress. The exchange and bringing together of information was pivotal in this regard. At the event, attendees and scientists were informed about the latest developments and research studies within particular medical fields.

Point at issue

Erasmus MC was looking for a digital communication tool for their medical bulletin posters. We were asked to create an interactive poster solution for their medical congress.

How they came into contact with Omnitapps

Erasmus MC opted for Prestop Creations and Omnitapps based on their wish list. Using demonstrable experience and excellent examples in the Interactive Experience Center, Prestop Creations knows how to present effective solutions for any proposal where the target audience is to be (inter)actively engaged in data acquisition.

Omnitapps' solution

For Erasmus MC, it's essential that attendees can mail posters of their choice to themselves. To create this digital poster solution, to display posters on touchscreens, we used the BrochureRequest app from Omnitapps. The Erasmus MC app makes it easy for the client to quickly adjust the content, like adding new posters during the congress. Requesting files is simple: swipe a poster to the request basket and enter an email address.

Erasmus MC Digital Poster Solution - Omnitapps

Digital Poster Solution for Erasmus MC

Screenshots Erasmus MC app

Erasmus MC Omnitapps

More information

Do you want more information about Omnitapps, interactive experiences or corporate presentations?
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