Omnitapps on video wall for great interactive experience.

Cleveland Public Library wants to be the driving force behind an influential culture of learning that will inspire Clevelanders from all walks of life to continually learn, share and seek out new knowledge in ways that are beneficial to themselves, their community and the world.

Point at issue

Another library department, Cleveland Digital Public Library (CDPL), wants to help tell stories through digitization. To do that, they offer individuals, institutions, and families help with digitizing, preserving, and showing off their collections. They looked for an interactive multi-touch solution to digitally display content.

Omnitapps makes it easy to create your app

With just one training, they had gained enough knowledge about Omnitapps to build their own interactive experience for the library. They made an interactive experience to view the digital gallery, photos and videos of CPL events, collections of local school yearbooks and play games! The app is built with SwipeMediaMarker, MediaViewer, MemoGame and PuzzleGame.

More information

Do you want more information about Omnitapps, interactive experiences or museum presentations?
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