Survey with Pre-scan at fair for Cuccibu

Omnitapps survey shortcut for follow-up

Cuccibu specializes in IT Risk Management, Information Security, Cyber Security, Privacy & Legal. More than 50 enthusiastic specialists in Eindhoven and Delft are ready to assist you with all issues related to these topics.

During the Zorgtotaal fair, Cuccibu had an Omnitapps survey on a rented Prestop Eminent kiosk. Innovation and digitalization go hand in hand in the healthcare sector. The "connected patient" participates digitally in the care process, the regional information exchange, the provision of ambulatory-mobile care outside the hospital or care institution, and the use of data and techniques such as Artificial Intelligence.

Does your organization's information security and privacy contribute positively to these developments? Does your organization handle data safely and responsibly? With the Pre-scan on the Survey app, visitors could take a test and give a score from 0 to 5. Within two minutes, they got a view of their organization's digital resilience. Afterward, Cuccibu staff could follow up based on the results.

More information, demo or quotation?

Would you like more information about us creating Omnitapps configurationsinformation kiosks or other interactive solutions? Visit our Interactive Experience Center for a tour of all the interactive solutions. Or contact Prestop at +31(0)499-367 607  | | Fill in the contact form.

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omnitapps survey application
omnitapps survey application
omnitapps survey application