VVV Inspiratiepunt Ulft now has Omnitapps for entertainment and information about the region.

Third Inspiration point of the Achterhoek

Two weeks ago, the third VVV Inspiration Point of the Achterhoek was opened at the DRU Industrial Park in Ulft!

In the wholly renewed VVV, they now have Omnitapps4 running on a Prestop 40" touchscreen. The software has multiple applications that allow visitors to be surprised and inspired interactively by the beautiful stories about the region, the water, the border, the past, such as the iron history and origins of the Achterhoek landscape, the present and the future of the Oude IJsselstreek.

The configuration is made in Dutch and German. It is super easy to switch between the two languages by the visitors, namely via the flag buttons at the top right of the screen.

Check the video about the inspiration point here!

Check the video about the inspiration point here!

Check some screenshots of the Omnitapps configuration

screenshots of the Omnitapps configuration for VVV achterhoek
screenshots of the Omnitapps configuration for VVV achterhoek
screenshots of the Omnitapps configuration for VVV achterhoek
screenshots of the Omnitapps configuration for VVV achterhoek
screenshots of the Omnitapps configuration for VVV achterhoek
screenshots of the Omnitapps configuration for VVV achterhoek
screenshots of the Omnitapps configuration for VVV achterhoek

More information

Would you like more information about the different applications, Omnitapps4touchscreens or other interactive solutions?

Contact us! Tel: +31(0499-367 607 | Email: omnitapps@prestop.nl